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LTA series mineral jig

OverView of LTA series Minerl Jig

The LTA series mineral jig is a down-moving single row jigging gravity separator with double rooms, also known as down-moving cone diaphragm jig separator.It uses water as the medium of gravity separator, and sorts the materials according to the specific gravity (density) of useful minerals and gangue. The beneficiation principle is based on gravity concentration. The jigging cycle curve generated by this jig separator has a sinusoidal shape.

LTA55/2 mineral jig

 The jig separator LTA1010/2 has the following features: Even rising water flow. large processing capacity, high recovery rate, continuous operation. The jigging separator is mainly used for the beneficiation of metallic and non-metallic minerals like tungsten, tin, antimony, alluvial gold, manganese, lead, zinc, celestite, barite, fluorite ore, pyrite, limonite, hematite, etc.

LTA1010 mineral jig
LTA1010/2 mineral jig

The LTA series mineral jig is also a good smelting slag recycling machine for the beneficiation of silicon manganese slag, ferrochrome slag,  slag and other metal smelting slag. In recent years, the jigging plant has been widely applied in the field of metal smelting slag recycling.

LTA1515/2 mineral jig
LTA1515/2 mineral jig

 LTA series jig machine has three kinds: Jigging separator LTA55/2 used for experiment, jigging separator LTA1515/2, Jigging separator LTA2020/2. They have the same transmission structure and regulating device with jig separator LTA1010/2.

Technical Parameter of LTA series Minerla jig

Model Jigging Chamber No. Jigging Area
Feeding Size
LTA55/2 2 0.605 0-5 1-2 1.5
LTA1010/2 2 2 0-8 8-10 3
LTA1515/2 2 4.5 0-10 20-25 5.5

Application of LTA Series Mineral jig

application of LTA series mineral jig


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